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From glossy mags, to milk-stained mum-clothes

Sarah Tarca and Phillip Pedrola like to do things a little differently. After two and a half years travelling the world with no fixed address, the former magazine editor (ex beauty director of Marie Claire and editor of Girlfriend magazine) and entrepreneur (owner and creator of Enki Cycles) returned home last August, just in time to welcome their first baby, Yuki into the world. Here, Sarah talks about adapting to her new life from the hectic world of glossy mags, to milk-stained mum-clothes, and how the years of travel prepared her for her new role as a mama.

Who is in your family?

Sarah Tarca, writer, editor, and co-founder of wellness and lifestyle site,; her fiancé, Phillip Pedrola, digital marketing specialist and founder of Enki Cycles and their six-month-old, Yuki.

Social media handles:

Sarah: @tarca

Phillip: @enkicycles


It’s a luxury to be able to work from home

Tell us a little about your family?

“My life as an editor was all about organisation and deadlines… with a hefty side of fashion, champagne-swigging and fancy events, naturally. So, it goes without saying that living with the newborn chaos is… well… a little different.  But, I think like a lot of things in life, everything that comes before it prepares you for motherhood in some way.

Before Phil and I left Sydney three years ago, I was the proud owner of three different wardrobes and a shoe collection to rival a Kardashian. But, prior to leaving we did a huge life cull, selling and donating all of our belongings so that everything we owned (including my shoes!) fit in Phil’s childhood bedroom – or we were carrying it with us.

We had definitely talked about having children, but when Yuki decided it was time to come into the world, it was still a surprise. It was the day before we jetted off to Brazil for Carnivale, so being sober was definitely not part of the plan! But, we decided to keep travelling anyway, and Yuki was grown on crazy Brazilian street parties, swims in the Mediterranean and cannoli.



We returned home when I was six months pregnant, and actually the biggest change (aside from, you know, growing a human) was adjusting back to “normal” life. Phil and I both work from home/wherever our laptops are, running our respective businesses, and also the digital marketing company we operate together. And, while this life had given us so much freedom, what I didn’t take into account was that it needed me to be working… so I was back at it from week two.  And, like a complete rookie, I thought I’d be able to do it without an issue. Hahahah. Lol. I thought “I’ve worked for – and ran – some of the most successful magazines in the country, surely I can do this!” but of course it’s a struggle. Some days my creativity takes a nap (like I really should be) and the words don’t come, some days I’m too tired to think and I can’t string a sentence together… and, of course, I don’t get eight hour blocks of uninterrupted work time anymore! But, I tell you what – those nap time sessions – where I actually do get to work are some of the most productive of my life! It’s true what they say about no one being more efficient than mamas!



... and Yuki was grown on crazy Brazilian street parties, swims in the Mediterranean and cannoli.

Still, it’s a luxury to be able to work from home. I often tap away at my computer with Yuki gurgling in his bouncer beside me. We take time out to have a play and a cuddle, and he lets me know what he thinks (by way of VERY loud gremlin noises – his current favourite form of communication). And, not working in a 9-5 means that we get to indulge in our favourite things like going on big family walks in the morning or mid-week interstate road trips when no one else is on the road.

What does your everyday routine look like?

Our absolute favourite time of day is first thing in the morning when Yuki wakes up. He’s such a morning baby, and literally wakes up with a smile. We pull him into bed with us for family cuddles, and all slowly wake up together, with Phil and I racing to see who will make him laugh first. It’s the best. This is closely followed by bath time. Seriously I’ve never met a kid who loves a bath like Yuki. As soon as he hears it running he starts to squeal, and when he’s in the water he gets kind of meditative for a while, before he starts kicking and squealing with absolute joy. He’s also a total lush for a baby massage, and I know I’ve set him up for a future of loving the luxe life! I blame my years as a beauty editor for that!

Has my life changed? Of course! I now pretty much never wear heels, which were once my absolute staple. But one thing I learned from travelling for so long was how to be ok with relinquishing control. So many things happened along the way that were unexpected, and we just had to roll with it, and see what played out. No amount of research, insurance or planning can really prepare you for motherhood, so instead I’m just taking every day as it comes, the challenges, the joys, the rollercoaster of it. I mean every day is full of surprises – will he vomit on this fresh top? Will he be into quinoa? Will this be the day where he sleeps through the night? Ahahahaha. Nope. But all three of us are still learning, and it’s definitely one hell of an adventure.”

No amount of research, insurance or planning can really prepare you for motherhood, so instead I’m just taking every day as it comes, the challenges, the joys, the rollercoaster of it.

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